Qualifying for a mortgage to buy a home can typically come with needing to have good credit to get the best lending rates. While having a high credit score will certainly be useful when getting a mortgage, it isn't a necessity for you to have to become a homeowner.

If you're worried about qualifying to buy a home without having a credit score, it's best to see what you can do to increase the odds of being able to get approval for lending. 

Consider a Guarantor Mortgage

If you have a trusted family member that has a high credit score and an adequate income, you could qualify for a guarantor mortgage. Discussing this with your relatives could help you figure out whether this is an option and what you can expect when it comes to getting mortgage rates that are fair for your income and desired home. Since there are some risks involved with a guarantor mortgage (you won't be the only one legally responsible for the loan), you'll need to discuss this at length with whoever is offering you financial assistance. 

Collect All the Related Documentation

Without a credit score, it can be difficult for a lender to determine how reliable you are when it comes to making payments on time and your responsibility regarding your finances. Well before you meet with a mortgage lender, you should collect any paperwork that can be proof of maintaining your finances well.

From payment histories for utilities from somewhere that you've rented to all the records from paying rent, this kind of documentation can help prove that you're reliable and increase the odds of being approved for a mortgage.

Be Prepared to Wait to Get Approval

While applying for a mortgage can typically be done quickly, it makes sense that the process can take longer when you don't have a credit score. Instead of being disappointed with how long it can take to begin house-hunting due to waiting on lending approval, you should get started early so that you're not waiting any longer than you planned.

As you get ready to buy a home, you may be worried about what can be involved in getting the lending that you need to make an offer. Without a credit score, it's best to be ready for some extra work towards getting ready to apply for a mortgage for the first time. Contact no credit financing services to learn more. 
