When looking at apartment rental listings, there are a lot of things to consider. You want to find an apartment that has enough space, that has the features and amenities you are looking for, and that is within your budget. Throughout much of the country, these goals are easily achieved. However, in certain high demand rental areas, finding an apartment to rent can be a huge challenge. If you are renting in an area with a very competitive rental market, here are three things to do:

Hire a Real Estate Agent

Many feel that they only need a real estate agent when they are buying or selling a home. However, in areas with competitive rental markets, the services of a real estate agent can come in handy. They are able to find you an array of potential apartments that may work for your needs. They also know the local market well and can show you apartments that you may not even know about. If you do you a real estate agent, you may end up paying a hefty broker fee depending on where you live. In certain areas the fee you pay your real estate agent may be up to 15 percent of the annual rent.

Be Available

If you are looking to find a new apartment in an area where it is competitive, it's important to be available to look at apartments. Finding the right apartment for your needs will mean spending time searching and being ready to go when something becomes available. Being available during the day or during weekends can make the difference between finding the right apartment or not. You may need to be prepared to take some time off and go when your real estate agent gives you a call.

Be Ready With Paperwork

Another thing you need to do if you are looking to rent is to have your paperwork ready to go. A few things that you will need include proof of employment, banking information, references from previous landlords, proof of identification, and your most recent tax return. Many landlords will also require a deposit in addition to first and last months rent in high demand rental markets. Having money put aside and your paperwork together can help you secure the apartment you want.

Renting in a high demand area can be a challenge but there are a few things that you can do to increase your odds of finding the right apartment. First, hiring a real estate agent can make the process easier. You will also need to be flexible and ready to go when an apartment opens up. Timing is key. Having your paperwork ready and money set aside can also help immensely when renting in a competitive market.
