An open house can be a great way to attract potential buyers to your home. While you've probably already considered all the cleaning and repairs you might need to perform in the living areas of the home, you might not have considered all the work that goes into preparing the garage. A beautiful, spacious garage can be a key selling point for some buyers, so take the time to prepare this area of your home for an open house. Here are some things you can do to make your garage as inviting as possible.

Scrub The Floors

An oil or grease stain can make even the tidiest of garages look unkempt. Take some time to scrub the floors before your showing. You can use a brush and detergent to remove some stains, and you can also rent a power washer to handle stubborn marks and scuffs. If you aren't able to get the stains out, consider re-painting the flooring surface. You can purchase concrete paint at your local home improvement store for this purpose.

Remove The Cars

Even if you will be present at the open house event, it's a good idea to remove your vehicles from the garage. Park them down the street so that both the driveway and the garage are empty. This can make the space look and feel larger, and it can also help buyers imagine themselves parking their own vehicles there.

Remove Storage Items

If you are using your garage to store old holiday decorations, boxes of clothes, or other personal items, clear these belongings out of the space before your open house. Piles of boxes and storage containers can make a garage feel cramped, and they can also be a turnoff for buyers. Rent a self-storage unit to hold your boxes from the garage, basement, and attic. Keep the items there until you are ready to move, and have your movers transfer them to your new home.

Stage The Garage

You may have already considered how you will stage your home, but have you thought about how you will stage the garage? There are many little touches you can make to create a welcoming garage area. For example, if you have a workbench set up in the garage, you can stage it with a few small pieces of wood, wood glue, and a toolbox. You can also hang gardening tools on a peg board along the garage wall to appeal to the green thumbs who might visit your home. Don't be afraid to get creating with garage staging ideas. Just remember that any staging you do shouldn't take up valuable floor space in the garage, as you want to make it look as large as possible.

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