If you are looking for a property out in the woods where you can live off-grid or for a place to go out and hunt and fish, there are going to be some issues with finding the just the right property. There are things that you can do that will help you whenbuying real estate. 

Look in Specialty Magazines

There are all kinds of specialty magazines. If you like to hunt and fish, then you can find magazines that will cover that. It's the same if you want to live off-grid or if you are a prepper. In the backs of those magazines, there are often some classified ads. Those ads will offer all kinds of things, including properties out in the woods. Some of those properties will be undeveloped in any way, while others will have buildings built on them or have other facilities. The nice thing about the ads is that you are going to be able to see ads for properties all over the country, and even possibly from other countries. You can also check out websites that are associated with the magazines or with your interests. Often they will have links to sites where such properties are being sold. 

Talk to Specialty Realtors

Another option is for you to talk to specialty realtors. While there are realtors out there that will handle just about any kind of property that they can find, there are other realtors who will specialize in finding various types of properties. Not all real estate agencies will have someone who specializes in these kinds of properties, so you may have to call around to talk to agencies to find the right person. One way you can find the agency that will work for you is to look at the various ads that you might see in the ads or on the websites. If you keep seeing one name or agency on ads for a particular area, that's the person you should talk to. The agency may also list it on their own ads if they have someone who specializes in off-grid or remote properties. The best reason to work with a specialty realtor is that you are going to be able to find out about more properties than if you were trying to look on your own. 

Finding the right property for your specialized needs can be tricky. There are ways that you can do it. 
